Learn the latest news about Nederland and the highlights of its activity, challenges and projects. Updates in its factory and production processes, progress in sustainability, activities and milestones achieved by the staff or new relationships established with suppliers or other industry players are some of the contents that will be part of this information space.

Introducing our new grain milling system
In the period 2022-2024, and with the support of the Institut Català de l'Energia, at Nederland S.A. we have carried out a transformation of our grain milling section with which we have managed to improve the energy efficiency of our process and reduce our emissions by 3,292 tons CO2/year.

Project to improve the chilled water generation process
In the 2022-2024 period, at Nederland, S.A. we have worked on a project to improve the cold water generation process to incorporate it into the cocoa transformation process. The implementation of the project has resulted in a reduction of annual CO2 emissions of up to 543 tons/year.